Virtual Phone Numbers

Have your family, friends or business associates reach you dialing a local number.

International phone number for your mobile phone

You can get a local telephone number from your country and receive calls on your regular telephone as if you still lived in your home country and forward to your regular phone. International Phone numbers are available from 30 countries and our coverage is continuously expanding.

Virtual Phone Numbers are inexpensive phone numbers from the country of your choice that ring to your phone line by forwarding the call with our cheap VoIP rates, wherever you are in the world.

How Does it Work?

Let's say that you live in London where your phone number is 020-8890-9123. Your mom lives in New York, USA. Her area code is 00-1-212-. You could get an international phone number in 001-212- area code that rings to your phone line 020-8890-9123 in UK. Now mom calls this new New York phone number to reach you in UK, and doesn't have to pay long distance charges when she calls you.


All International Phone Numbers are only £15.00 per month.

Although all incoming calls to VoIP is free, when you forward the call to your regular home or mobile phone, you also pay the rate of forwarding the calls, which is the same rate of calling to that destination.

For example if you forward your International phone number to a US mobile phone, the call forwarding rate would be 3 pence a minute. Please see International rates to find out call forwarding rates.

How to buy?

You can buy an international phone number of your choice and forward to your mobile or home phone number from MY ACCOUNT link only after you sign up for Phone Card services


Click here for currently supported worldwide locations.



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